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11 August 2020

Animation – Estuaries: Waste traps or taonga?

Our estuaries are very special places. They are transitional zones where freshwater meets saltwater and a new ecosystem forms.

They filter our water. They’re a nursery for freshwater and marine animals – a permanent home for some, a temporary resting place for others. They are also where we work, live, play, and mahinga kai.

However, many of our estuaries are suffering from the things we do in and around them.

Watch this animation to learn about how if we manage our estuaries ki uta ki tai – from the mountains to the sea – our estuarine habitats will thrive for years to come. 

Read the report, Managing our estuaries

He pakiwaituhi – Ngā wahapū:  Wāhi paru, wāhi taonga rānei?

He wāhi motuhake ā tātou wahapū. E tūtaki ai te waitai ki te waimāori, ā, ka puta ake he pūnaha rauropi hou.

He tātari i te wai. He kōhanga mō ngā kararehe waimāori, waitai hoki, he kāinga tūturu, he nōhanga hoki. He wāhi tākaro, he wāhi mahinga kai anō.

Nā ngā mahi a te tangata e raru ana a tātou wahapū.

Tirohia tēnei pakiwaituhi kia ako ai koe me pēhea tātou ki te whakahaere i ō tātou wahapū ki uta ki tai, ka tupu tonu ō tātou wahapū mō ngā tau ō muri mai.

Pānuitia te pūrongo, Te whakahaere a mātou wahapū

Estuaries Animation Image