Urban land
The good dirt?
Healthy soil is the unseen engine room of our cities' green spaces, but it is under pressure from residential development processes.
Urban ground truths
In this report the Commissioner investigates what happens to soil in the course of the urban residential land development process and suggests how it can be better protected.
Presentation to the Environment Committee
Watch the Commissioner present the urban ground truths report to the Environment Committee.
Our cities are losing their leaves
Green spaces in New Zealand's cities are declining. That has consequences for the environmental services they provide.
Are we building harder, hotter cities?
The fabric of our cities is changing rapidly in response to ongoing population growth. What will the impact be on places like our lawns and vegetable gardens, roadside berms, neighbourhood parks, riparian strips, patches of bush, school fields, golf courses and civic gardens?
Submission on Natural and Built Environment Bill and Spatial Planning Bill
This submission concentrates on the major structural elements of the reforms proposed by the Natural and Built Environment Bill and the Spatial Planning Bill, together with some attention to key clauses.
The core work of the office is to provide advice to decision makers that maintains or improves the quality of the environment. See what the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment has been working on.