Land use change
Ever since the arrival of humans, New Zealand's landscapes have been changing. What will the next great landscape transformation look like?
A way forward
We need to change the way we use our land if we are to hold the line on environmental quality, let alone improve it.
Going with the grain
How do we respond to the environmental challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and water quality while looking after the economic, social and cultural life of our regions?
Our changing landscapes
By the second half of the century, carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion needs to be eliminated, and methane and nitrous oxide from agriculture need to be reduced. How that is done will have long-lasting impacts on New Zealand's landscape, communities and our wider environment.
A land of trees
How much forestry would be needed to offset warming from agricultural methane?
A policy perspective
This animation explores some of the concepts introduced in Farms, forests and fossil fuels: The next great landscape transformation?, and looks at how policy decisions could affect Aotearoa New Zealand's landscapes.
Farms, forests and fossil fuels
This report explores a different approach to framing New Zealand’s long-term climate change targets and policies, and what that could mean for our landscapes.
The core work of the office is to provide advice to decision makers that maintains or improves the quality of the environment. See what the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment has been working on.