Mission and values
Our mission
To maintain or improve the quality of the environment by providing robust independent advice that influences decisions.
Our values
The questions we raise and the solutions we propose are based on sound science and reasoned argument. We are accountable to the people of Aotearoa New Zealand and deliver value for the funding we receive.
We bravely and constructively question the status quo. We persist in communicating the results of our work in different ways to maximise its usefulness.
Generosity of spirit
We work together in an open, collegial way, sharing our expertise, listening carefully and not rushing to judgment. We actively acknowledge decisions and actions that benefit the environment.
Our independence empowers us to think freely and creatively. We strive to get beyond describing problems to proposing solutions.
Others trust and respond to our advice. Our work has a lasting and tangible impact on the New Zealand environment.
Tā mātau koromaki me ā mātau uara
Tā mātau koromaki
He pupuri, he whakapai ake i te taiao ki tērā e tika ana mā te tuku tohutohu motuhake whai kaha e mārama ai ngā whakatau.
Ā mātau uara
Ko ā mātau pātai me ngā whakautu he ū ki te pūtaiao matatau, he mārama hoki. Ka noho haepapa mātau ki te iwi o Aotearoa me te tuku uara mō ngā pūtea ka whakawhiwhia mai.
Manawa nui
He kaha te tuku pātai kia pai ake ngā āhuatanga. Ka ngana mātau ki te whakaputa i ngā hua o ā mātau mahi mā ngā tikanga rerekē kia kaha ai te whai take.
Te wairua manaaki
Ka mahi tahi mātau i runga i te mana ōrite, te whakawhiti whakaaro, te āta whakarongo, ā, kia kaua e pukā te whakawā. Ka whakaae ki ngā whakataunga me ngā mahi e hua ai te taiao.
Nā te pararau kore e tuwhera, e auaha te whakaaro. Ka ngana ki te whakatika raruraru, kaua te noho i roto i te pōuri.
Ka pono, ka ora hoki te tangata i ā mātau tohutohu. Ko ngā pānga, he pūmau te whai hua ki te taiao o Aotearoa.